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Friday, December 4, 2009

Another successful hunt........

Well after collecting wood and unloading and stacking it in the woodshed I thought it was time for me to bag my deer. I left the saw at  the house, took the quad back to my grandmothers favorite stand, put out some feed, and climbed in the blind. Situated in the blind I felt the wind hitting me in the face. I thought to myself.......perfect, they will approach me from behind the blind. I no sooner got that thought out of my head.............and there he was right beside me..........25 feet.....wait for him to look the other way.......the rest is history. Nice little six point!

Stihl Chainsaws now have a Deer call Model......called the 034"D" for deer

Well this was one of those hunts that you hear about but don't always experience. We were out cutting firewood, I was running the saw dropping a standing dead Cherry. I turned around and noticed the two guys I was with...........they were standing on the trail about fifty feet away. I noticed one of them down removing his gun from his guncase on the back of the quad. I'm thinking what the heck are they doing, this is no time to sight in your gun. I keep cutting up firewood..............bang! Ok; I shut the saw off and say "What the hell are you guys shootin at?" Their answer......."A deer.....a buck in fact" This buck came trotting right down the trail towards them and wasn't even aware of them, and not at the least scared by the saw. What a marketing slogan............"Our saws attract deer!"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Status Report - To Hunt Camps (Parry Sound District)

Feel free to click on the title, download the report.........take it all in .........and "Please" feel free to leave your comments. I for one have my own thoughts but lets see what we hear from the camps in Ontario Wildlife Management unit 49. I love statistics....you can put a bunch of numbers out there, present graphs and come to some way off conclusion based on your interpretation of the data you collected,  Under "Black Bears " you are suggesting to all camps that there was a "Localized Overharvest" in part of Management Unit 49............ it' seems to me that it's pretty hard to shoot bears if you don't see them; you also don't state that what you have determined to be "Overharvest" doesn't mention the number of bears in that area of 49 that were passed up, missed, not shot at and photographed on  trail cams............that my friend is cold hard numbers.........don't be so quick to jump to conclusions without accepting offers to observe the facts! Either present all the facts or don't present any........your conclusions on bear management in Unit 49 is very off the wall.........! And yes I know the area very well.......

The Following Is a comment Outdoors Ontario receieved regarding this posting to our blog........

November 1, 2009

An open letter, with personal comments and observations to Outdoors Ontario regarding the MNR 2009 Report To Hunt Camps.

I read with interest, the above noted report with respect to the bear harvest, that was published on the Outdoors Ontario Blog. Of special interest and concern to me were comments made about “indications of a localized over-harvest in a portion of WMU 49”. I do believe that, Mr. Black, the author of the report was referring to a group of bear hunters, of which I am a member. The report indicates that a guideline of 350 to 400 bears may be sustainably harvested from the WMU and that in fact 362 bears were harvested during the 2008 hunting season. This would appear to fall well within the guidelines as set out by the MNR. Our hunting group began to prepare for our bear hunt in mid July of 2008 by establishing baits and studying these baits on a regular basis of several times a week. Studying these baits and the bears attending them included viewing activity at the baits, noting the number of bears attending the bait each evening, photographing the bears and keeping records of what we observed. We noted on one evening in particular, that 16 bears were viewed at one bait site. While this seemed very uncommon at first, we found that viewing 8 to 10 bears an evening became the norm. Multiple bear sightings, on the same evening at other baits were also common. We continued to monitor and record the activity at our baits between mid July and late August. Given the success we were enjoying with our baits, I suggested that we share our photographs, movies, and journals with the Ministry biologist, and even went to the extent of offering an invitation to Ministry staff to attend our bait sites to assist them in the study of black bears. Our offer was not well received by Ministry staff. They implied that we were overstating the number of bears viewed and disputed the information we attempted to provide, without viewing photographs, movies and other details of our study. This was very insulting to our hunting group. We are a group of friends who take our hunting very seriously. We run a very organized hunt camp with very strict rules and regulations with regard to hunting safely and responsibly. I do believe that the Ministry officials disregarded very valuable information regarding the bear population in WMU 49 by ignoring our offer to provide assistance by way of sharing our research. As a group, we had spent several hundred man hours in the bush studying these bears. The way I view it, this was a win-win situation for the MNR, especially given the limited resources and funds they have available for the management of Wildlife Management Units and the species within those units. One of the rules of our hunt camp is that we insist that every one must send in the mandatory reporting letters to the MNR regarding the bear hunt. Our group consisted of 13 hunters, all of whom submitted the reporting letter. Seven members of our group received letters from the Ministry indicating that they had not received the reporting letters. This to me is absurd, and I would like to know how this could occur. It makes one feel that reports submitted by all hunters are not being taken seriously, so why do we bother to complete them. We complete them and send them in because it is part of the rules and regulations. We will continue to send in these reports because we are responsible hunters and hope that the reports will be received and taken seriously by Ministry officials. We will continue to study moose, deer and bears as a very important part of our hunting to further educate ourselves as responsible and successful hunters. We will continue to make sustainability and conservation primary areas of concern within our group. Were we successful during the 2008 bear hunt? Absolutely, we earned it through a lot of hard work including study of the bears long before the hunt. I truly believe that MNR staff has no concept of the actual number of bears within the area we hunt and possibly the whole 49 area. I cannot include the other areas of WMU 49 as I do not hunt the entire area, but I do know the immediate area that we hunt that consists of a five to ten mile radius. I have hunted this area for over 30 years and until 2004 had seen very few bears unless it was over a bait. In July of 2007, my wife and I saw four bears over the course of a weekend driving between our cabin and Town. I assume that the increase in non-hunting sightings as well as hunting sightings can be attributed to the cancellation of the spring bear hunt. This seems to be the general opinion of both hunters and non-hunting residents of the area. Hopefully in the future, someone within the MNR will start taking the sincere input of hunters seriously as we all have similar goals with respect to the sustainability of various species and increased conservation awareness so that our children may enjoy the same rights and privileges we as hunters enjoy today.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bear Attack.......for those who have previously accused me of being paranoid.........and gun happy

Emergency workers check the woods where a woman was mauled by a bear (Sept. 17, 2009)
Quebec woman dies after bear attack, car crash
A woman has died after being mauled by a bear, and then being involved in a car crash while her husband frantically rushed her to hospital in Quebec.
Forestry engineer Dragos Gavriloaia was accompanied on a trip to the woods by his wife Alexandrina, 46. They were in the forest near La Tuque, Que. Wednesday, when Dragos turned around to find the bear attacking his wife, police said.
He was able to chase the bear away and carry his seriously injured wife to his pickup truck. The nearest hospital was 90 minutes away.
Halfway to the hospital, Dragos lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a ditch.
Bystanders who passed the couple took them to hospital, but Alexandrina was pronounced dead when she arrived.
Dragos is a forest engineer and Alexandrina wanted to keep him company while he worked.
The couple lived in an apartment in Saint-Laurent, near Montreal, with their two adult children.
Residents who knew Alexandrina, a Romanian immigrant, reacted with disbelief to news of her death on Thursday.
"It's shocking," said the couple's neighbour Alex Bejnaru. "I knew this lady for six years and what happened, it's pretty tragic."
Police said they will conduct an autopsy to determine whether it was the bear attack or the car accident caused her death.
Meanwhile, Quebec wildlife officials are reportedly on their way to La Tuque to try and capture the bear.
There have been an abnormally high number of bear sightings north of Montreal this summer. Wildlife officials have said that cool, rainy weather in recent months has produced a smaller berry crop this year. That's left the animals to search for other sources of food.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Alaskan Chainsaw Mill

If you're looking for a fairly inexpensive way to cut your own lumber and end up with good quality dimensional lumber, look no further. It's by no means a quick process but with a little work, an ATV, an ATV logging arch and an Alaskan Mill you can cut logs like the ones in the photo and end up with lumber as shown in the photos.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Just a few more days until Bass Season opens.......yippeee

Well thousands of Ontario's avid bass Fisherman will be hitting their favorite lakes to try their luck at landing some fish. I know I can't wait to do some top water fishin........

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where are all the Turkeys?

On my way to work on the opening day of the Turkey season, I observed one of the most comical moments. As I passed a local gas station, I observed a guy in full turkey regalia filling up his Chevy pick up. I then realized that it was opening day for Wild Turkey. Now this is when the comical side comes in; I turned the corner and drove about 3/4 of a kilometre, and there just inside the roadside fence was Old Mr' Tom strutten his stuff.........I'll never know if the two met, but it was almost like the wise old turkey was getting the upper hand.

Monday, May 4, 2009

ATV Logging Arch

I made a recent post regarding the logging arch made by Norwood Industries for ATV's and thought I would update that post with this recent video of my experience using it. This piece of equipment is easy to use, gets the job done and allows you to get into places that normally would require cutting trails for a tractor or a skidder. Check out my video clip, sorry for the shakes at the first of the video, it was taken with a small digital camera.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Species At Risk

I just realized that I have discovered a "Species At Risk" ...........It's called the "True Canadian Outdoorsman" ..........you know the one who knows the bush, doesn't get lost, knows how to use a compass, saves his own ass in a bad situation. Can shoot a "gun" (oh bad word around Toronto), catch a "Fish" well if he can find any.................since the Ministry has pretty much stopped any stocking programs....including private clubs who are trying their best to make up for what the Ministry of Natural Resources doesn't do. You know....the kind of person that pretty much discovered, mapped and navigated this country. Ah.......such a breed they were........it's truly too bad they are so close to extinction. I haven't read any new Policies that the Government has developed to ensure they don't become extinct. I wonder if the Government has any DNA samples ........you know so if they ever happen along one they're not sure of..........they could always get some hair samples from a hair snare and you know acknowledge that they do exist in Ontario. Oh yeh, I forgot then they would have to develop a Policy to "manage" us...............lmao. Doesn't it just make you laugh your ass off............."Species at Risk" Let's just put it all into perspective...........Reality..........Common Sense.........disappearing terms.......

Monday, April 27, 2009

Black Bears....Bears....Bear Management

Ok, people this is the way I see it; the Ministry of Natural Resources must be marching to the tune of tree huggers. I have worked in North Western BC with Black bears, and Grizzlies. The only person who would for one instant think that the current bear management policy for Ontario is a good one , has shit for brains. It will only be a matter of time; short time before some politicians son, wife, daughter, or other relative gets mauled, killed and possibly eatin before Bear Management Policy in this Province changes. There are more bears in the province of Ontario than the Ministry realizes, will acknowledge or really cares. We own 500 acres and have for over 30 years; in that time we have never seen a bear; well until the last ten...........now there presence is a common occurrence. In 5 square miles last year 13 bears were harvested during the bear hunt. This didn't include the bears that were passed up, or that were not counted as all tags had been filled. Now lets talk about Bears in southern Ontario.....deep south.........Oshawa, Pickering, Omemee (looking in the school windows during school) oh yeh.............perfect! Now onto the Ministry......lets' hire Bear Management Technicians for 5 month's a year to "educate" people how to "Live With" and "Accept" bears in their backyards. Give your flippin head a shake.............A friend of mine lived down a dead end road........his children were 5 & 10 , the school board decided to save money and required his children to walk down a road 1.5 kilometres to catch the school bus. All in the name of saving the school board money....$800,000 in total for making kids in the country walk to catch a bus that used to pick them up at the door. This decision was made with full knowledge that a bear had killed a steer the year before just down the road from his house (confirmed by the Ministry of Natural Resources) and after being informed that a sow and two cubs had been spotted on the road recently. The School Boards response was to send a Conservation Officer to explain to the children if they saw a bear to back away, and gave them a sticker to put on their lunch box........(I love it) their parents weren't home when the CO showed up. I volunteered to go to the School Board to speak as an expert witness, as I have witnessed both Grizzlies and Black Bears in bluff charges and follow through charges......its not something a child would understand............nor would they survive............even with pepper spray.............which unless under the perfect conditions and with a very calm spirit...........isn't "Worth a Shit!" The only way to defend yourself is with a 12 gauge shotgun with slugs or a 44 magnum (my preferred choice) and know how to defend yourself; know the signs of an aggressive bear and be prepared. We were certified to carry when I worked as a Forest Officer in North Western BC and had to pass a course yearly. When I returned to Ontario in 2002 I guided and baited 61 bear Baits a day in Temagami, so don't think that I have no experience.......believe me, I've seen it all. Bear Management in Ontario is way out of wack..........the Ministry is going down a road that will result in not only people getting hurt, killed or maimed, but is also contributing to increased killings of calf moose ............it needs serious study, by people who know what they're talking about, not knee jerk reactions to anti's or non hunters. Rant all you want it's fact..........if you don't like it..........I hope you never run into an aggressive bear......and if you do...you better be prepared........and cell phones don't necessarily work everywhere..............you may be on your own!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Need I say More?

Ministry of Natural Resources
Field Services Division, Bracebridge Area
Position Title:
Bear Technician
1 Seasonal Recurring contract up to 5 months with possibility of extension
1350 High Falls Road, Bracebridge, P1L 1W9, Central Region
Compensation Group:
$21.66 - $23.37 (MplusM) per hour*
Position Status:
Job Code:
41104 - Resource Technician 3
Lands and Resources
Job ID:
Challenge and variety can be yours when you join the Ministry of Natural Resources` Bear Wise program in the Bracebridge Area office. As a highly motivated and outgoing individual, you will implement, administer, monitor and audit the Bear Wise program. In addition, you will provide education regarding problem bear reporting, response, prevention and awareness.
Duties include: conducting operational field programs including activities such as carrying out site inspections and field surveys; ensuring client (e,g, Bear Wise contractors, and other stakeholders) compliance with specific natural resources management acts, regulations and related Ministry policies and guidelines; provide leadership to assigned students and staff on behalf of supervisor; gathering, assembling and compiling technical information for databases and reports to make recommendations.This position requires working in all types of weather conditions.
Qualifications:demonstrated experience, knowledge and understanding of resource management practices and understanding of legislation with emphasis on the Bear Wise program; Demonstrated experience in performing field technical activities and compiling technical information (e.g. Bear Hazard inspection/assessment, Bear trap and transfer) for data bases, preparing reports and making recommendations on related matters (e.g. effective solutions to human-bear conflicts / determining bear aversion tactics); demonstrated leadership, presentation, interpersonal, and communication skills; good planning, coordinating analytical and problem-solving skills; computer skills in a variety of applications related to resource management; ability to do field work and operate and maintain equipment, working knowledge of the Occupational Health and Safety Act; valid drivers licence to conduct field work.
Posting Date:Thursday, April 23, 2009
Closing Date:Thursday, May 07, 2009
Applications must be received by the end of the closing date with the Job ID number quoted.
Apply onlineor send application to:
Applications are accepted online only. As an equal opportunity employer, the OPS will provide employment accommodation if required. Contact the Regional Recruitment Centre at1-866-260-0612, Ontario, CANADAFax: Faxes are not accepted at this time.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ministry Of Natural Resources (No Results)

So....whats your opinion on the Ministry of "No Results"? So far over the last 20 years our forests have been decimated due to mismanagement, our bear management is totally out to lunch, our lakes are no longer being stocked, (slot sizes) new fisheries management zones, no staff on the ground to collect the data to make sound decisions....policy......., new moose management policy...meetings..........public input.....give your head a shake boys....they haven't got a flipping clue about our natural resources. Now lets bring into the swing of things......Species at Risk.........I'm waiting for the Ministry to finally acknowledge that there are "Native" populations of cougars in Ontario. Look out..........now they will have to come up with a management policy to address this............because they are "A species at risk" . Ok, I could go on for pages and pages......I've been employed in the natural resource field for over 25 years and it all makes me sick.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rainbows at Hampton

Took some photos of some rainbows trying to jump the barrier in Hampton. Lots of nice sized fish; I'm sure the local anglers are anxiously awaiting opening day. The size of the fish is truly amazing.


This past weekend I spent up north at my parents property cutting firewood. Saturday wasn't the nicest day , however any day spent in the bush is better than a day spent behind a desk. It was a nice get away, lots of sign; moose, deer, and even happened upon a bear den.....with lots of steam coming from its depths. The winds in the fall and over the winter provided more than enough downed wood for a weekend of cutting. We didn't stress ourselves too hard, but still managed to cut a fair amount of wood.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ATV Log Hauler

For anyone looking for a good log hauler for behind their ATV, check this out. I have provided a direct link to a video of the ATV log Hauler (arch) and if you watch the video (click on the title of this post)there are some other products you may find useful. I have purchsed one of these, and it works great.Its made by Norwood Industries.

Deer have faired well........

Easter weekend gave me the opportunity to observe some deer up at our farm. The antics of some of the does butting their fawns, raising their legs towards one another, it was hilarious. They truly are amazing animals to observe as they interact, and respond to even the most distant noises.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

ATV Trailer

If you're looking for a rough and tough practical ATV trailer look no further. This trailer can haul up to 1000 lbs, tilts/dumps, has high ground clearance and is a real brute when it comes to getting the job done. Mix concrete in it, haul stone, sand, firewood.........There is an extension/rail system also available that bolts onto the top; adding capacity and allowing for tie downs or straps. They are available in two sizes from Canadian Tire, if you watch the sales you can pick up the larger one for around $450.00

ATV, Motorcycle,Snowmobile parts & accessories supplier

Just in case you have been looking for a supplier of ATV, Motorcycle or Snowmobile parts and accessories and haven't heard about Royal Distributing, I thought I would bring it to your attention. They offer a wide selection of parts and accessories for ATV's, Snowmobiles and Motorcycles. Check out their online catalogue; you'll see what I mean, Happy Shopping! http://www.royaldistributing.com/main/

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Photo Contest Open To Amateur Photographers

I thought I would pass this photo contest on to Ontario residents who frequent their local Conservation Areas. There are some pretty nice cameras available to the winners. Good luck!


Its That Time Of Year.......

With the weather forecasting warmer temperatures over the next few days, mixed with rain; it's that time of year! When all the local, avid, if not overly eager anglers dawn their waders, dust off their rods and head down to their favorite stream. With the remaining snow melt and rain forecasted it only goes to say that the rainbows if not already; soon will be heading up our local watercourses. Last year around this same time and on into April, I witnessed numerous anglers with fish in the 5,6 - 12 lb range headed back to their cars. Even though a lot of the watercourses around Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby and in general the north shore of Lake Ontario find their way through large developed urban centres............the fish still thrive. I'll keep you posted when they start catching fish, and provide some photos.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mountain Gear Outdoors Store

For a wide variety of quality outdoors apparel, supplies and more visit Mountain gear. Tey offer quality outdoor products at reasonable rates. Very good selection and have had no problems with delivery or performance of products I've ordered. Check them out at..........

Mountain Gear Deal of the Day - One product, every day, instant savings of 30%, 40%, 50% or more! Additional savings applied for 1 day only, while supplies last. Cannot be combined with any other discount or offer.

Roots Clothing

Roots has established itself as a supplier of quality outdoor clothing. I've owned a couple of their sweatdshirts for years; in fact the older and more faded they get the more I like them. It's not easy these days finding a good quality hoody, thats thick, warm and durable. There's a reason they've been around as long as they have. Check them out ......

Roots Canada Ltd.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Whitetail Designs

Whitetail Designs was one of the booths at the Kearney Dog Sled Races on February 6,7 & 8 , 2009. Rachell Huggins and her husband have established themselves a very unique and awesome little business. Check out some of the products they have made using deer hides and a "natural tanning" process. I was amazed at the quality of workmanship and the variety of products they had made from jackets, hats, purses, pants just to name a few. If you've been looking for a very well made and awesome looking buckskin handbag, or coat drop Rachel an e-mail at rachelsbuckskins@hotmail.com

Kearney Dog Sledding

Not even a little drizzle could hold back the dogs during the Kearney Dog Sled Races. Lots of spectators and quite a few teams were present for the events on Saturday. Everyone enjoyed the different races ; the food and refreshments provided in the community centre were excellent and provided an excellent place to warm up, have a coffee, hear some music and browse the booths.

Kearney Snow Carving

Well the weather on Saturday February 7, 2009 could have been a little colder. The snow carving done by John Hetherington, Grace Campbell and Larry Hurtubise was awesome, until around 11:00 a.m on saturday morning, the light rain and winds out of the east took the tip off of the left wing. Quite a few people dropped by and snapped photos, and had their photos taken in front of the piece.

Friday, February 6, 2009

It's Time To Install A Woodstove

In light of the colder winters we've been experiencing and the number of digits in my last fuel bill to heat my house with oil........the decision is in; The woodstove is being installed prior to next fall. More and more people are returning to burning wood to heat their homes now. Some are installing pellet stoves and some are utilizing wood. The new wood stoves are more efficient than in recent years, providing longer burn times and better self cleaning features. I can't wait to sit back and not have to worry about whether or not I can afford to be warm.......I realize its going to take some work on my part. However I could use some excercise, and a day spent in the bush is better than a day spent watching TV. Besides there's nothing better than the sight of a crackling fire on a cold January day.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Thinking of building a log cabin?

If you're thinking of building a log cabin I came across an excellent resource page http://www.logbuilding.org/downloads.html and thought I would pass it along. Lots of tables, resources etc.

Kearney Dog Sled Races & Snow Carving

If you're looking for something to do this coming weekend, try out the dog sled races in Kearney, Ontario and other events for information on the events follow the link http://www.kearneydogsled.com/family.htm My father John S. Hetherington will be doing a large snow carving........check it out this weekend.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Home made ice Fishing Huts

Do you have a plan for an easy to build ice fishing hut, that is light to pull behind a quad or snowmobile? One that works well and is not only easy to build but also easy to assemble, and take down.........and that works, keeps you warm and stands up in the wind and cold weather. If you do and would like to share your plans with our readers you can either send it to us by e-mail and we will post it here on our blog and also place an article on our website.

ATV Snow Plows

Tell us your experiences, recommendations for ATV snow plows. Please include size and make of quad and year, and the type/make of plow you use. Let us know the pros and cons, and price and any other useful tips or suggestions. With all the snow we've received in Ontario this year, I know I for one may not wait until next year to buy one. If you like you can start a topic on our forum located at http://outdoorsontario.forumotion.com/ Be sure to visit our website http://www.outdoorsontario.net and our online store at http://astore.amazon.com/outdsontar-20?%5Fencoding=UTF8&node=56

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cotton Tail Hunting

This is something I haven't done in years; many years. Many fond memories of my dog and I out on a cold January day, jumping on brush piles and kicking bundles of fence wire; usually always presently surprised to hear my dog yipping with excitement as he chased the rabbit out and around and back in front of me. Maybe its time to go out and get a couple of bunnies and make a good batch of rabbit stew.........

Friday, January 16, 2009

Turkeys In The Winter

Driving home from work today I turned off highway 35 north of Pontypool and looked down the embankment beside the road along a field of corn that hadn't been harvested and noticed a flock of about 30 birds. The temperature with the wind chill was about -25c. It just goes to prove how hearty these birds are, and how well they have adapted. I also noticed quite a few other tracks along the field and through the adjacent bush; at first I thought it was cattle tracks. Upon closer inspection I discovered that there was quite an abundance of deer also feeding off this field of standing corn. Short drives , not far from home on cold days , can reveal some good spots for next season. I'll definitely remember this spot.

Coyote Hunting

This time of year can be a great time to do some Coyote hunting. With the colder temperatures, coyotes will be on the prowl looking for rabbits and anything else they can get there chops on. Living on the outskirts of town, I have had them within 50 yards of my house howling, yipping and carrying on like its a party. Just down the road a local farmer has had them after his sheep on numerous occasions. Their numbers are definately on the rise locally and with a decrease in hunting pressure, they are flourishing. Be sure to check the hunting regulations and your local municipal bylaws before
heading out.

Ice Fishing Ontario

Well it's definitely that time of year when we've all spent a little too much time around the house. The temperatures are definitely cold enough and besides what better way to spend some time with the kids in a nice warm ice hut catching some fish, and making memories. If you click on the title it will take you to a website that lists Ice Hut Operators for different areas of the Province. Check it out and let us know about your trip.

Cobra 45km Camouflage GMRS

If you are considering purchasing a set of these rechargeable "45 kilometre range " walkie talkies........be prepared to only be able to reach a maximum range of maybe 4 to 5 kilometres. Although you may get a little better distance than the smaller units.........these by no means will reach 45 kilometres. I purchased a pair and tried them out, to find out that I couldn't reach more than 3 kilometres. So unless you are looking for no more than 2 to 5 kilometres; you'll have to spend a lot more then $130.00. I took my set back and got a full refund.